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Chocolate and Raspberry Jam

What better thing to enjoy on your warm sourdough toast than a layer of rich and decadent Chocolate and Raspberry Jam, from preserver-expert Kylee Newton. This jam keeps for 8-10 months and makes a great gift.

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Ok, this isn’t really a jam: it is more like a raspberry chocolate spread. It is rich and decadent and a pure delight to spread on toast.

Enjoy with sourdough toast and butter, or use as the filling for a sweet brioche.

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1kg raspberries
850g granulated sugar
60ml lemon juice (about 1 lemon)
200g bitter chocolate, at least 70% cocoa solids


This recipe needs to stand overnight, so some time and patience is required, but it’s absolutely worth it.

Put the raspberries into a large saucepan with the sugar. Stir on a moderate heat until the sugar has dissolved.

Remove from the heat and use a spatula to push the berries through a fine mesh sieve to seperate the seeds from the pulp.

Discard the seeds, return the pulp to the saucepan and stir in the lemon juice.

Slowly warm the mixture on a low heat keeping it just below a boil. Break the chocolate up into pieces, then add to the pan, stirring while letting them melt gradually.

Once the chocolate has melted, take off the heat. The mixture may seperate, so cover and leave to cook overnight to allow it to settle and smooth out.

The next day, bring the mixture to a hard rolling boil for 5 minutes in the saucepan, stirring constantly.

Use the wrinkle test to check for a firm set and, when ready, take off the heat.

Ladle into warm, dry steralised jars and seal.

Keeps unopened for up to 8-10 months. Once opened, refrigerate and eat within 4-8 weeks.

Watch how to make the jam here:


5 out of 5 stars

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1 Comment

    default user avatar Marlene Bartram Washington State USA

    We really enjoy this jam right out of the jar or spread between cake layers.

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