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Easy Peasy Rose Ice Cream

by Claire Thomson from The Five O’Clock Apron

A beautifully fragrant and delicate rose ice cream recipe from Claire Thomson's The Five O'Clock Apron cookbook. A refreshing treat for a summer's day.

From the book


Used as an ingredient, rose water offers sweetly perfumed rosy notes that are particularly flattering in creamy puddings. In this ice cream, similar to an Indian kulfi, the rose water goes especially well with the dusky sweetness of the evaporated milk.

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1 x 410ml tin of evaporated milk
130g caster sugar
60ml rose water (see note below)

Essential kit

You will need an electric whisk and an ice-cream maker.


Refrigerate the tin of evaporated milk the night before you plan on making your ice cream.

In a bowl, using an electric whisk, whip the cold evaporated milk with the sugar until doubled in size and ribbons from the beaters trailing through the mix begin to form – this should take a good 10 minutes.

Add the rose water and beat for a few seconds.

Pour the mix into an ice-cream maker and churn as per the machine’s instructions, or simply pour the whipped mix into a tub, lid it and freeze immediately.

Freeze for at least a couple of hours before eating. If eating the ice cream several days after making it, you may need to remove it from the freezer 30 minutes before serving to make it easier to scoop.

By all means play around with flavours – use vanilla extract instead of rose water, throw in some
raspberries as you churn the mix, or add some maple syrup and a handful of walnuts. Experiment:
this method is fairly foolproof.


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