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Mary Berry’s Yorkshire Pudding

Mary Berry has been using this recipe to make these failsafe, pillowy Yorkshire puddings for many years. Her fool-proof instructions guarantee success every time and will become your go-to recipe.

From the book


I guarantee success if you follow this recipe for Yorkshire pudding, which I have been making to serve with Sunday lunches for many years.

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100g (4oz) plain flour
¼ tsp salt
3 large eggs
225ml (8fl oz) milk
sunflower oil

Essential kit

You will need: a 12-hole deep bun tin, or two 4-hole Yorkshire pudding tins or a large 23 x 33cm (9 x 13in) roasting tin.


You will need a 12-hole deep bun tin, or two 4-hole Yorkshire pudding tins or a large 23 x 33cm (9 x 13in) roasting tin. Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/Gas 7.

Measure the flour and salt into a bowl and make a well in the centre. Add the eggs and a little of the milk. Whisk until smooth, then gradually add the remaining milk and mix to combine. You can use a wooden spoon but it’s easier with an electric hand whisk. Pour the mixture into a jug.

Measure a dessertspoon of oil into each hole of the 12-bun tray, or a tablespoon into each hole of the 4-hole tins, or 3 tablespoons into the roasting tin. Transfer to the preheated oven for about 5 minutes or until the oil is piping hot.

Carefully remove the tin from the oven and pour the batter equally between the holes or into the roasting tin. Quickly return the batter to the oven and cook for about 20–25 minutes or until golden brown and well risen. Serve immediately.

Prepare ahead: Can be made and cooked ahead and then reheated in a hot oven, 220°c/200°c fan/Gas 7, for about 8 minutes. The batter can be made up to 12 hours ahead.

Freeze: These freeze well.


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