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Feed your appetite for cooking with Penguin’s expert authors

The Spirits

Written by

Richard Godwin

The Spirits

Who’s the author? Evening Standard colomnist, Richard Godwin.

What’s it about? The Spirits is about rediscovering the lost art of cocktailing. Godwin's little book of cocktails brings a shake of 1930's classic cocktail glamour and sophistication with a twist of modernity. Expressly structured for the amateur, it will remind you just how much pleasure there is in cokctailing at home.

Recipes we love: English Breakfast Martini, Pink Rabbit, Charlie Chaplin.

Good book for: Anyone looking to explore the world of cocktail making at home. As Godwin says, "Of all the skills you might acquire in life, the ability to make a good cocktail will never be a waste of time. No lover will complain when you present them with a well-iced Negroni as they walk through your door; no house-guest will complain about a round of Gin Sours."


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