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Feed your appetite for cooking with Penguin’s expert authors

The Skinny French Kitchen

Written by

Harry Eastwood


17 March 2011

The Skinny French Kitchen

Harry Eastwood has taken on the challenge of a lifetime: marrying her love of classic French cookery with a desire to maintain her waistline.

The Skinny French Kitchen
is the result of Harry’s year spent tasting, testing and tweaking the great French classics in her tiny Parisian kitchen up seven flights of stairs. Every recipe has been slimmed down to a fraction of its usual calorie cost without robbing it of flavour or its French character. From light and delightful Tarte aux Pommes and Mousse au Chocolat to irresistible Coq au Vin Blanc and Croque Monsieur, Harry has proved once again that fat and flavour don’t always go hand in hand . . .


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