Get Easter-inspired with these gorgeous recipes from Mary Berry. Transform seasonal lamb with harissa spices and Persian Rice or take the traditional route with Mary’s stunning Simnel Cake.
Looking for more Easter recipe inspiration? From Easter bakes to lamb centrepieces, discover all of our favourite recipes to mark the occasion here.

Easter Simnel Cake
This has become the traditional Easter cake, but originally it was given by servant girls to their mothers when they went home on Mothering Sunday. The almond-paste balls represent the eleven apostles (not including Judas).

Harissa Spiced Lamb with Cannellini Beans
This rustic lamb casserole is full of flavour, especially if made ahead, and the lamb is meltingly tender. I don’t like my food too spicy, so this dish is mild, but if you prefer it hot just add more harissa and good luck!

Persian Rice
Here basmati rice is cooked in the traditional Iranian way: the holes made in the rice allowing steam to pass between the grains and the scrunched-up baking paper, producing a wonderfully subtle-tasting dish with a soft fluffy texture. It is ideal paired with the Harissa Spiced Lamb above.