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Leek and Bacon Risotto

by Ben Ebbrell from Beginners Get… Sorted

A hearty risotto recipe which combines leek and bacon. The easy step-by-step recipe makes a foolproof risotto - completed with cream cheese and chopped parsley.

From the book


Dirty plates lead to rotting food, which leads to bad hygiene, which leads to death. OK, so we may have exaggerated here. But our point is that nobody enjoys the washing up …do they? We all want minimum effort with maximum result, and this dish does it all. Bung everything into one pot and that’s your lot. Simple, wholesome food that’s like a slap in the face for all those hard-core kitchen grafters.

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1 large leek
A shot of olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
750g bacon or gammon offcuts
400g mushrooms
500g risotto rice
¼ of a bottle of white wine
1l chicken stock
200g cream cheese
Handful of chopped parsley


SHRED leek and wash thoroughly.

SWEAT leek in a pan in the shot of oil with the lid on.

PEEL and crush garlic and add to leek.

REMOVE excess fat from bacon (or gammon) and cut into bite-sized pieces.

ADD to leek mix and continue to fry.

SLICE mushrooms and chuck them in.

HEAT the stock in a saucepan, or make up stock if you’re using a cube.

POUR rice in and stir to evenly coat grains.

SLOSH in the wine and stir until nearly absorbed.

LADLE in the hot stock bit by bit, allowing the rice to absorb the liquid before adding more, stirring throughout until rice is plump and cooked (approximately 20 minutes).

STIR in the cream cheese and parsley and season.

SERVE in bowls – perfect for TV dinners with mates.


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