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Happiness Pasta Sweet Tomato, Aubergine and Ricotta

This is the famous Happiness Pasta recipe from Jamie Oliver's Everyday Super Food book. This quick and easy Italian recipe is perfect for a healthy midweek meal that all the family will enjoy.

From the book


As well as being very low in saturated fat compared to most other cheeses, ricotta is also high in calcium, a nutrient vital in keeping our teeth and bones nice and strong.

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2 aubergines
1–2 fresh red chillies
40g pine nuts
2 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of fresh basil (30g)
olive oil
2 x 400g tins of plum tomatoes
300g dried wholewheat fusilli
200g ricotta cheese
10g Parmesan cheese

Essential kit

You will need a bamboo steamer.


Sit a double-layer bamboo steamer over a large pan of boiling salted water. Halve the aubergines lengthways and add to the baskets skin side up, with the whole chillies. Cover and steam for 25 minutes, or until soft and tender, then remove. Transfer the chillies to a small bowl and cover with clingfilm.

Lightly toast the pine nuts in a large casserole pan on a medium heat, then lightly crush in a pestle and mortar. Peel and finely slice the garlic and finely chop the basil stalks, then add to the pan with 1 tablespoon of oil and return to the heat to cook until golden. Tip the tomatoes into the pan through your hands, crushing and scrunching them up as you go. Fill each tin with water, swirl it around, and add to the pan with a good pinch of sea salt and black pepper. Bring to the boil, then simmer gently for 30 minutes, or until reduced by half, roughly chopping and adding the aubergines for the last 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta in the pan of boiling salted water according to the packet instructions, then drain, reserving a mugful of cooking water. Peel and deseed the chillies, then finely chop and stir into the sauce. Tear in most of the basil leaves and season to perfection. Toss the pasta and ricotta through the sauce, loosening with a little reserved water if needed. Serve with the pine nuts and remaining basil leaves scattered over, with a grating of Parmesan.

Everyday Super Food by Jamie Oliver is published by Penguin Random House

ⓒ Jamie Oliver Enterprises Limited (2015 Everyday Super Food) Photographer: Jamie Oliver


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From the book: Everyday Super Food

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