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Turkuaz Kitchen

Written by

Betül Tunç


14 November 2024

Who’s the author? Betül Tunç, better known as Turkuaz Kitchen, is known for sharing her warm, nourishing recipes online. Since going viral with her punch-down dough and chocolate caramel babka in 2021, the self-taught baker has amassed millions of online followers with her captivating content.

Her photographs and videos are dreamy, vintage-style vignettes that tell the story of how baking has brought her comfort throughout her life – from growing up in Erzurum, a city in northeastern Türkiye, to settling down with her family in Blacksburg, Virginia.

What’s it about? Betül inspires people around the world to try out baking for themselves. In her first cookbook, she expands her reach and embarks on a new chapter of that journey.

Turkuaz Kitchen shows just how simple it can be to work with dough. It contains 85 easy-to-follow recipes with detailed explanations of pantry essentials and techniques.

With chapters covering Basic Doughs, Enriched Doughs, Quick Breads and Short Doughs, Doughs from Türkiye and Unleavened Doughs, this cookbook will set you up for success when attempting quick snacks, hearty bakes, or indulgent desserts. Recipes are accessible, with thorough introductions to each dish’s origins, history and region-specific ingredients, such as isot pepper and Turkish pistachios.

Expect beautiful photographs of Tunç and her creations in her signature vintage style, as well as encouraging advice and tried-and-tested tips from years of her own baking experience.

Recipes we love: Spinach Triangle Börek, Grandma’s Lavash, Baklava made with Turkish Pistachios, Iskander Kebabs, Cardamom Buns, and Vegan Hazelnut-Chocolate Star Bread

Perfect for: Novice bakers who want to master the art of dough or home cooks who are looking to expand their culinary horizons with authentic Turkish recipes.


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