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Feed your appetite for cooking with Penguin’s expert authors

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Sneak a peek at Miranda Gore Browne’s cookbook collection

Miranda Gore Browne’s passion for baking took her all the way to the final of series 1 of The Great British Bake Off. Now the author of two essential cookbooks – Biscuit and Bake Me a Cake as Fast as you Can – she also has an enviable cookbook collection of her own. Join us on a grand tour…


Watch: Rick Stein shows how to prepare squid for cooking

In this indispensable video guide, TV chef and seafood expert Rick Stein shows how to prepare squid for cooking.


Watch: Rick Stein shows how to clean and prepare mussels for cooking

Learn how to clean and prepare mussels correctly in this indispensable new video guide from Rick Stein, Britain’s best-loved seafood expert.


The Recipe Wheel Challenge

The Happy Foodie’s Recipe Wheel Challenge invited bloggers to add their own recipe to one of Rosie Ramsden’s Recipe Wheels OR to create their own Recipe Wheel from their own favourite core ingredient or dish.


Rosie Ramsden’s Shelf Life

Debut author Rosie Ramsden takes us on a tour of her bookshelves and shares the cookbooks she can’t live without.


Summer’s Coolest Cocktails: four refreshing new drinks for a sunny evening

Make summer evenings special with four sophisticated drinks from Omar Allibhoy; Morito; The Gilbert Scott and Simon Hopkinson.


DJ BBQ’s Top Tips for Novice Pit Masters: How to BBQ Right!

FoodTube star and Jamie Oliver’s mate DJ BBQ is the ultimate guru of the grill. What he doesn’t know about barbecues isn’t worth knowing. He’s got all the tips you need to make your grill-up go with a swing.


Levi Roots’ Ultimate Laid-back Barbecue Menu

Summer entertaining couldn’t be easier with Levi Roots on hand to help. Fire up the barbecue, and inject some Caribbean heat into your outdoor eating with his Ultimate Laid-back BBQ Menu.

Recipe Collections

Nigella Lawson’s Ultimate Summer Sunday Lunch Menu

Nigella Lawson knows how to do summer food like no-one else. This wonderful, laid-back Med-inspired Sunday Lunch menu is perfect to share with friends on a sunny day.


A 3-course curry menu from Rick Stein’s India

Extracted from Rick Stein’s India, this menu of three Indian recipes, from curry to kulfi, is a one-stop shop for inspiration for your next dinner party.


Watch: How to make Marika Gauci’s Twin Peaks Cherry Pie

In a lovely video piece, Marika Gauci demonstrates how to make her Twin Peaks Cherry Pie, a homage to David Lynch’s iconic 90s mystery series.


Getting to know Justin Gellatly

He’s London’s king of doughnuts; co-founder of Borough Market’s Bread Ahead bakery and now author of indispensible new bakers’ guide Bread, Cake, Doughnut, Pudding. Naturally, we wanted to find out more about what makes Mr Gellatly’s foodie world tick…


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