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Baked Almond and Raspberry Soufflé Puddings

These baked almond and raspberry souffle puddings are perfect for hosting. The souffle recipe features a hint of cognac, almond essence and fresh raspberries.

From the book


4 eggs, 3 separated
100g caster sugar, plus extra for the ramekins
100g unsalted butter, plus extra for the ramekins
A pinch of salt
1 tbsp cognac
A few drops of almond essence
100g ground almonds
A little extra butter and caster sugar for lining the moulds
250g fresh raspberries
Thick cream, to serve

Essential kit

You will need four 250ml ramekins, and an electric beater.


Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4.

Using an electric beater, whisk together one whole egg and three yolks with 65g of the sugar until light and fluffy. Melt the butter. Whisk the three egg whites with the salt until fluffy, then gradually add the remaining sugar in a stream, whisking all the while, until a soft meringue is achieved.

Whisk the melted butter into the egg yolk mixture, together with the cognac and essence, then slowly mix into the meringue. Now, carefully fold in the ground almonds. Lightly butter four large ramekins (250ml capacity) and sprinkle the insides with caster sugar, tapping out any excess.

Divide half the raspberries between the four pots making a single layer over the bottom of each one. Carefully spoon the almond mixture over the raspberries – while also making sure that each pot has an equal amount of the mixture – and then deftly drop the remaining raspberries over the surface of each one; ideally, five in each pot for the prettiest appearance. Sprinkle ramekins with a touch more sugar, then bake in the oven for about 25-30 minutes, or until the puddings are nicely puffed up, springy to the touch and the surfaces are shiny and crisp. Leave to cool for a few minutes before eating with very cold, thick cream.


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