Hungry For You: From Cannibalism to Seduction-A Book of Food
Written by
Joan Smith
04 September 1997
In HUNGRY FOR YOU, Joan Smith turns her attention to this infinitely intriguing. A collection of her own sharp, funny and stimulating essays on our attitudes to food and eating is accompanied and amplified by a fascinating selection of extracts from novels, tracts, songs, self-help books, poetry and biography. Her essays look at cannibalism and the strange imagination of the man-eating serial killers; at the politics of starvation and anorexia; at sexual ‘appetite’; at taboos, and the connection between the stricture of Leviticus and the regimes of Rosemary Conley. Each essay is followed by a series of extracts: from Piers Paul Read’s chilling account of cannibalism to Nora Ephron on the comforts of mashed potatoes; from the Princess of Wales talking about bulimia to Proust’s voluptuous appreciation of the shape and colour of asparagus, and gems from Catullus, Madonna, Swift, Brian Keenan, Freud, and Lorrie.