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Dinner with Rukmini

Browse all of the recipes in Rukmini Iyer’s cookbooks by ingredient.

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The Green Cookbook by Rukmini Iyer

Buy The Green Cookbook for the full recipe, and more great recipes from Rukmini Iyer


Crispy Baked Ravioli Lasagne with Mushrooms and Basil Pesto


This was my proudest lockdown creation – lasagne made with bought ravioli instead of lasagne sheets – I’ve made countless versions since. The tinned tomatoes cook down beautifully in the oven with the ravioli, with crème fraîche in place of a béchamel sauce – perfect for a quick and easy dinner. It might seem unusual to put the tinned tomatoes straight into the oven, but trust the process, it works really well.

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Buy The Green Cookbook for the full recipe, and more great recipes from Rukmini Iyer

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