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Make your own aromatic bitters with this easy recipe. Add bitters to your own cocktail mixtures at home and infuse your alcohol to your taste.

From the book


Like many other cocktail ingredients, it is quite easy to make your own aromatic bitters. Here is a basic recipe for standard aromatic bitters that are very similar to the classic Angostura bitters.

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8g red sandalwood powder
16g (1/2 oz) cinchona Bark
4g dried orange peel
3g cinnamon bark
3g tonka bean
1g star anise
1g cloves
900ml (1 1/2 pints) vodka (40%)
100ml (3 1/2 fl oz) dark rum
50-100ml (1 3/4 - 3 1/2 fl oz) rock candy syrup

Essential kit

You will need: a food processor, a pestle and mortar, coffee filter paper


Evenly grind the barks and spices in a food processor orusing a pestle and mortar and pour over 700ml (11⁄4 pints) vodka. Macerate for 14 days in a sealed container and then strain roughly through a sieve before finefiltering through coffee filter paper. Finally add the rum, 200ml (7fl oz) vodka, and rock candy syrup (quantity according to taste) and pour into little bottles. The flavours of the bitters will become more balanced once you have stored them for a few weeks.

You will need: a food processor, a pestle and mortar, coffee filter paper

You can substitute or add ingredients to produce your own house bitters.


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